Pixiv bot's configuration

Please agree to our privacy policy before configurate this bot.

Message format configuration

Here you can customize the bot's return message format
Here please make sure that your custom format is not too long, messages that are too long will not be sent.

Default template (click to apply)

#NSFW XX:Me #pixiv https://pixiv.net/artworks/... 1/4
#DARLINGintheFRANXX #ゼロツー #ココロ #ミク #イクノ #xx:me #トリカ

#NSFW XX:Me / id=67953985 / rumikuu 2/4
#DARLINGintheFRANXX #ゼロツー #ココロ #ミク #イクノ #xx:me #トリカ

#NSFW XX:Me / rumikuu 3/4
#DARLINGintheFRANXX #ゼロツー #ココロ #ミク #イクノ #xx:me #トリカ


#DARLINGintheFRANXX #ゼロツー #ココロ #ミク #イクノ #xx:me #トリカゴ

to show = * _ * []() character, please escape it (\# , \( , \[)), otherwise Telegram will report an error.

Format help

Telegram's Markdown supports only the following:
** __ []() ```
You need to be aware of these limitations before customizing.
Need to show links?
[title](link) Just follow the Markdown format.

Here we use %% as the variable, where you can add the text you want before and after the variable using | to add it.
example: %link:|url|?233% -> link: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/123?233
if you like |, just add | in front of it to escape it
%link:\||url|\|?233% -> link:| https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/123|?233
The variables that are currently available are :
%title% illust's title
%id% illust's id
%url% illust's link https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/:id
%tags% illust's tags
%NSFW% No safe fork work!
%author_id% author's id
%author_url% author's link
%author_name% author's name
%p% Show current page when muilt page current/total page example: 1/2 For +sc mode, bot also has a %mid% option

Last Updated: 4/22/2022, 5:22:45 PM